This list contains sponsors (organizations and individuals) and program partners who have supported CDEA programs over the past decade. Sponsors provide direct financial contributions that enable CDEA to develop and present its programs. Program partners offer a more complex array of support that includes financial support, in-kind donations, as well as relationships in which a partner co-presents, or becomes an actual presenter of programming content. CDEA is grateful for the combined support of sponsors and partners–together we can serve the people of Utah and the nation as a whole.
Major Exhibits
After September 11: Images of Ground Zero, Joel Meyerowitz (Presented 2003)
Exodus: Photographs by Sebastião Salgado (2005-2006)
This Light of Ours: Activists Photographers of the Civil Rights Movement (2011-2012)
Crossing the Tracks: A Multi-Media Project That Conveys The Stories
Of Immigrants, Migrants, and Refugees in Salt Lake City (Forthcoming)
Architectural Nexus
B.W. Bastian Foundation
Big D Corporation
Annie Taylor Dee Foundation
Episcopal Diocese of Utah
George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation
Goldman Sachs & Co.
International Psychotherapy Institute
National Endowment for the Arts
NPS Pharmaceuticals
O.C. Tanner Company
Obert C. & Grace A Tanner Humanities Center
Qwest Foundation
Rocky Mountain Power
Salt Lake City Corporation
Salt Lake City Olympic Fund
Salt Lake County
Salt Lake County Zoo, Arts & Parks
Semnani Family Foundation
Snell & Wilmer
Swartz Family Foundation
Utah Humanities Council
Zions Bank
Individual Sponsors:
Anne and Sandy Dolowitz
Geralyn White Dreyfous
Ira N. and Lily Field
Leslie and Joyce Kelen
Jane A. Marquardt
James R. and Nanette S. Michie
John and Anne Milliken
Helen Zeese Papanikolas
Penelope Sampinos
Deb Sawyer
Paula Swaner
Jim and Susan Swartz
Program Partners:
The Leonardo
Memphis Brooks Museum of Art
NeighborWorks Salt Lake
Salt Lake Community College
Taubman Museum of Art
University Press of Mississippi
University of Utah College of Humanities
University of Utah College of Social Work
Utah Film Center
Utah State Historical Society
Utah State Office of Education
Utah Valley University
Westminster College
Multiculturalism & Storytelling Class and Website (2001 to 2007)
Exhibits That Teach (ETT)
Streaked With Light and Shadow (Developed 2000)
Faces and Voices of Refugee Youth (2002)
Sacred Images: A Vision of Native American Rock Art (2007)
Ceremonies: A Tale of Sister Cities (2008)
Reawakened Beauty: Tillman Crane’s Jordan River Photographs (2010)
Faces and Voices of Chicano/Latino Leaders (2010)
American Express
Ruth Eleanor Bamberger and John Ernest Bamberger Memorial Foundation
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Comcast Foundation
Marriner S. Eccles Foundation
Henry W. & Leslie M. Eskuche Foundation
Great Salt Lake Audubon Society
Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation
LDS Department of Public Affairs
Nihon Matsuri Committee
Herbert I. & Elsa B. Michael Foundation
NIKE, Inc.
Johnson O’Malley Fund
Salt Lake City Arts Council
Salt Lake Education Foundation
Salt Lake County Zoo, Arts & Parks
Harris H. and Amanda P. Simmons Foundation
University of Utah College of Architecture and Planning
Union Pacific Foundation
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Utah Division of Arts and Museums
Utah Division of Indian Affairs
Utah Education Association (UEA Children-At-Risk Foundation)
Utah Native Plant Society
Utah State Office of Education
Individual Sponsors:
Pamela Atkinson
William L. & Christine Arthur
Program Partners:
Anasazi Heritage Center
Canyons School District
Canyonlands Natural History Association
Cottonwood High School
Davis School District
Discovery Gateway
Envision Utah
Granite School District
Great Salt Lake Audubon
Jewish Community Center
Jordan High School
Jordan River Commission
Nebo School District
Salt Lake Arts Center (now Utah Museum of Contemporary Art)
Salt Lake City School District
San Juan School District
The King’s English Bookshop
Uintah School District
Urban Indian Center of Salt Lake
Utah Coalition of La Raza
Utah Society for Environmental Education
Utah State Office of Education
Ute Indian Tribe
Viola Whitewater Foundation
West High School
Boyer Company
Hoffman Brouse Foundation
S.J. & Jessie E. Quinney Foundation
Segal Foundation
Individual Sponsors:
Robert and Lois Archuleta
Jeff Davis
John J. and Denise Martinez Fox
Evelyn E. Garlington
Elizabeth Guss
Douglas L. and Kate Hoffman
Lawrence H. Liese
Doris M. Mason
Steve Mason and Robin Carbaugh
Kent and Linda Miles
Robert H. Miller
Anne Emily Milliken
Natalia Rapoport
Allen Roberts
Dennis M. Romboy
Penelope Sampinos
Ronald Smelser
Jean Arnold
Borg B. Anderson & Associates
H. Dickson Burton
Tillman Crane
Dharma Tech
Dimensional Design
Chris Frazier
Ty Harrison
Lily Havey
Joyce Kelen
Jonathan Kelen
Steve McCurdy
Bryce Olson
Lorraine Press
Paragon Press
Schaefer Design, Inc.
M. Louis Ulrich